Defensive shotgun/PISTOL Class

This is a NON-NRA Defensive Shotgun/Pistol course is at least 4 hours in length, course instruction will take place on the range. This course is only conducted by Certified Instructors.​The required prerequisite for students to attend this course is to have successfully completed a South Dakota Enhanced Permit to Carry Concealed & our Defensive Pistol I classes.

While attending this course students will learn about: 

  • Fundamental rules for safe gun handling
  • Criteria for selecting quality holsters for concealed carry
  • Criteria for selecting a quality defensive shotgun
  • Shooting Positions
  • Ready Postions
  • How to safely draw your pistol from a shooting side belt holster & engage a target
  • Fundamentals of shooting a defensive pistol & shotgun
  • How to safely transition from the defensive shotgun to your holstered pistol
  • Students will be shooting a law enforcement styled courses of fire
  • Students should expect to shoot 150 rounds of pistol ammunition and 40 rounds of shotgun ammunition. 

Defensive Pistol/Shotgun IV - Courses of fire are designed to help participants become familar with using their pistol & shotgun while enhancing their ability to react in a defensive situation. Each shooting drill will start with the pistol in a shooting side belt holster that allow for one handed holstering. 

Successful students will earn: 

Schlueter Firearms Instruction Training Certificate of Completion for: 

​Defensive Pistol/Shotgun IV

Student Equipment Needed:

  • Pistol
  • Defnsive Shotgun**
  • Holsters (required) - Shooting side outside the waist band holster, must allow for one handed reholstering.
  • Magazine/Speed loader puches (optional)
  • Eye Proteciton
  • Hearing Protection - Electronic Earmuffs Recommended
  • Ball Cap
  • Defensive Shotgun Rentals are available​ contact us for more information.

**Students Defensive Shotguns should have the following characteristics:

  • Action types maybe pump or semi-auto
  • A barrel between 181/2  and 21 inches with an improved cylinder or changeable choke system
  • A sighting system consisting a front sight bead, rifle sights, or ghost rings. 
  • The Defensive Shotgun must be capable of holding a minimum of three rounds of ammunition.
  • Have an attached sling this will allow the student the ability to sling the shotgun during transition drills
  • Students need to beable to safely operate their own defensive shotgun during the following functions: LOADING, UNLOADING, ENGAGING SAFETY WHILE THE SHOTGUN IS SHOULDERED, AND CLEARING STOPPAGES. 


  • Open Enrollment Classes:
    • $90.00(plus tax)*
    • *Pricing may change at any time, students who sign up and pay for any open enrollment class prior to price changes will receive the class for the price they signed up for.

  • Private Class Options:
    • Private Classes: $200.00(plus tax) per student**​
    • **Class dates are subject to scheduling . Alternate locations are possible but subject to additional fees. 

Open enrollment dates to be announced
Private Instruction - To be scheduled on a case by case basis. 

4 Hours

Locations of the SD Enhanced Classes:

We offer South Dakota Enhanced Permit to Carry Concealed Class in Sioux Falls

One of the best classes in the region is available  SD Enhanced Permit to Carry Concealed Class - Brookings

Enhanced Permit Class - Mitchell

Phone: 1-605-360-5734
